Add SWAP disk on Amazon EC2 Ubuntu servers


My Ubuntu web servers were killing processes due to low free memory. I would prefer them to slow down than to kill processes. So I added SWAP disk space that is not setup by default in the EC2 instances.


Amazon AWS EC2 Ubuntu 11 or 12 instance.

This may work on other Linux versions, but I have only used it on Ubuntu.


Briefly, the process is to create a storage volume in the same zone as the Ubuntu instance.
Attach the disk to the instance making note of the device identity. I picked /dev/sdm (m for memory).
Then as root, or sudo, format the swap space.
Update the /etc/fstab file.
Activate the swap space.

The Ubuntu Linux commands follow:

See if there is any swap space already.

free -m 
swapon -s

CAREFUL HERE. Ubuntu uses a different identifier than Amazon. Look for the volume here.

fdisk -l

CAREFUL HERE. Format the new volume for swap.

mkswap /dev/xvdm

Set the Swap disk to mount on boot by adding a line to /etc/fstab

/dev/xvdm   none   swap  sw 0 0


Activate the swap space.

swapon -a

Verify swap space.

swapon -s
free -m 

Alternate Process to create Swap File not Disk

The Ubuntu Linux commands follow:

See if there is any swap space already.

free -m 
swapon -s

Create a file to use for swap.

fallocate -l 2048m /mnt/swapfile.sys

Set the permissions for the new swap file.

chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile.sys

Set the Swap disk to mount on boot by adding a line to /etc/fstab

/mnt/swapfile.sys   none   swap  sw 0 0


Activate the swap space.

swapon -a

Verify swap space.

swapon -s
free -m